Call for papers 2024

Submissions for 2024 are now open.
For resources and information on paper requirements, please see below.

Important dates

  • 30 June 2024: Deadline for submission of Full Papers
  • 30 June 2024: Deadline for submission of for Short Papers (Work in Progress)
  • 31 July 2024: Notification of acceptance for all papers
  • 21 August 2024: Camera-ready deadline for Full Papers

We invite you to submit papers on the topics listed on this page. Please ensure that all requirements have been considered, and all submissions should be posted via the website using the submit button below.

Author's Notes

Please make use of the following information to ensure a consistent look and feel.


The SATNAC 2024 TPC requires that the documentation is submitted in Acrobat (pdf) version 9 compatible with no password or protection enabled.

Ensure your paper or presentation adheres to IEEE conference standards by utilising the provided templates available on their website, which encompass the document structure, styles, and layout.

Access IEEE Templates
For any questions or comments regarding paper submissions, please contact

Paper Submission

Confirmation on Receipt of Paper

The SATNAC 2024 TPC will acknowledge receipt of documentation within 5 working days of receiving the documentation. If no acknowledgement is received in this period, please contact the TPC Chair.

The Review Process

Each paper will be reviewed by at least three reviewers. All papers will undergo a double-blind review process; therefore, submissions should have all identifying information removed. However, the paper format must remain consistent with the required guidelines.

Important:The TPC reserves the right to send all the submissions to a plagiarism search engine

Full papers must contain the following:

Full papers must adhere to 10 Page limit as indicated in template; WIP will be 3 pages. If a submission is co-authored, the primary recipient of the correspondence should be clearly indicated. An oral presentation of 15 minutes and 5 minutes of questions will be allowed to successful students at the conference.


All documentation received will be checked for viruses. However, it is the responsibility of the author to ensure that documents are free of viruses. Any document that is infected with a virus and cannot be recovered will be returned to the author, with a request that a clean copy be resubmitted.


Papers must be uploaded onto the online database, and access will be through the SATNAC website before the relative submission closing dates. All emails to the TPC Chair must contain the word “SATNAC” in the subject header.

Technical Programme Categories and Topics

Please note that regarding submissions, the topics provided for each paper category
are not limited to the examples given below.

5G and beyond, Low Power Wide Area Networking, Narrowband IoT, Mobile (LTE, LTE-A, 5G, New Radio), Wireline, QoS, xDSL, Optical Networks, Open RAN, Cloud RAN, Next Generation Wi-Fi, Non-Terrestrial Networks, Sensor Networks, Limited Range Communication, MAC layer design, Channel Modelling and Estimation, Wave and Terahertz, Next Generation MIMO and Massive MIMO, Waveforms and Modulation, Wireless Power and Information Transfer, Cognitive Radio.

Natural Language Processing (NLP), Speech Recognition, Text Generation, Computer Vision, Reinforcement Learning, Advances in Deep Learning, Broad AI Applications, African Languages, Data Generation and Curation, Pattern Recognition, Connected Vehicles and V2X, Streaming, Quality of Service, Quality of Experience, Virtual Collaboration, Smart Cities, Implanted and Wearable Devices, Extended Reality, IoT, UAV, Advanced Sensing, Blockchain, Metaverse.

AI and Automation for Network Optimisation, Performance Enhancement, Maintenance, Remote Monitoring, Simulations and Digital Twins, Programmable Networks, Network Resource Management, Middleware, Overlay Networks, Management and Orchestration, Service Management, Network Planning, Subscriber Management, Systems Integration, Optimising P2P / CDN networks, Software-Defined Networking (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV), Quantum Optimisation.

Smart Grid, Alternative Energy, Energy Efficiency, Green Data Centres, Rural Connectivity and Network Deployment, Low-Cost Technology, Affordable Connectivity, Social Good Applications, Disaster Management, Digital Inclusion, Community Networks, Accessible Technologies, Indigenous Knowledge Systems.

Cryptography, Blockchain, Network Security, Information Privacy, Secure Network Architectures, VPN, Resilience, Fault-Tolerance, Trustworthy AI, Fraud Monitoring, South African cybersecurity challenges.

Core IP Networks, TCP-IP, Optical Networks, Routing and Congestion, Time Sensitive Networking, Multi-tenancy and Network Slicing, EPC, 5G Core, NFV, Future Internet and New IP Architectures, Backhaul/Fronthaul Networking and Communications.

Green Data Centres, XaaS (including IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), Edge Computing, Distributed Edge-Cloud Architectures, Fog Computing, Cloud Services, Cloud Computing Adoption and Migration, High-Performance Computing, Storage, Scalability and Cloud Elasticity, Virtual Machines, Containers, Micro-Services.

ITU, ETSI, IEEE, 3GPP, ICASA, Interference, Radio Spectrum Utilization and Management, Coexistence in Unlicensed and Shared Spectrum Bands.